PTA - Parent Teacher Association

The school is fortunate in having an established and enthusiastic PTA (which is also a registered charity - The Willow Bank PTA Infant School Association). The primary purpose is to raise vital funds for the school through several fun activities for the children and their families. Some of the events we organise include:

· Summer Disco

· Halloween Disco

· Christmas raffle

· Quiz night

· Christmas cards and Elfridges (a pop-up shop where children get to choose a gift for their loved ones)

· Fund matching

· Cake sales

 The result of this fundraising is used to provide the school with facilities and equipment that they would not otherwise be able to access. Examples include:

· Computer equipment (£10,000)

· Playground equipment (£3,000)

· Maths equipment

The PTA use an app called CLASSLIST as a way of communicating to parents and for purchasing tickets for events etc. To ensure you don’t miss a thing, sign up below -


Why not also join our FACEBOOK page to stay in touch with what's happening? Please follow the link below:

(Please note this is a group solely for use by the school community and is NOT for making contact about issues in school - it is not supported or endorsed by the school)